Author: Ryan Dube
When a 15 year old boy from Western Sweden collapsed after playing World of Warcraft for 20 hours, did it prove that online gaming is harmful to your health?

Is World of Warcraft Harmful For Your Health?

In the past couple of years I've written a number of articles about online gaming. In fact, just six months ago I completed a niche analysis report for a client about the dramatic growth (and projected growth) of the online gaming industry. According to that research, Massive Multiplayer Online Games - giant virtual worlds like Warcraft - represent one of the most substantial segments of the online gaming industry. Americans love immersing themselves into a magical and virtual online world where anything is possible. But are we gaming too much? Is gaming now the new alcoholism of this generation?


Author: Ryan Dube
Are you brand new to this whole website thing, and looking for an easy introductioni to web page design?

An Introduction to Web Page Design

This month I was tasked with the job of writing an article titled Web Page Design for Dummies. In the process of writing the article, I realized that there are very few resources available out there for people who have absolutely zero skills in webs design or HTML programming background, but who want to have their own website. Technological advances of the internet have made it absolutely possible for such a person to have a well designed and highly-functional web page. The only difficulty for such a person is knowing where to start.

Author: Ryan Dube
Do you ever wonder how to go about building better website content in order to capture more google search traffic and longer visit times? The answer lies in keyword use and incoming links.

Learning How to Build Better Website Content

As an online content writer, learning how to build better website content is something that I've personally had to learn over a fair amount of time.

While it's easy enough for a webmaster to throw together a page of content, it isn't likely to attract many visitors to your site. Some web designers will go so far as to take a course on building better website content that teaches the importance of using keywords, and then they'll attempt to draw in traffic by jamming their pages fill of keywords. This is also known as keyword spamming.

While this worked in the older days of the internet, it no longer works today. The following elements are what you need to focus on in order to make sure web page content is optimized to draw in the most traffic to your website.

Author: Ryan Dube
Looking for free website content, free articles, or quality website articles? You've come to the right place.

So you've just created your Internet masterpiece. It's the website that you've spent many months slaving over. The design is perfect. The code is flawless. You lack one thing...content.

Free Website Articles and Quality Website Content

Okay, so you're not a writer. It's a valid excuse. But how are you going to get all of those visitors to come to your new site if you don't offer new, fresh and quality content every so often? The answer is simply, you can't.