Author: Ryan Dube
Whenever an English major graduates, they often find themselves faced with finding a way to make income from a creative art - and this year a fair number of them are asking, "What are the best technical writing fields of 2008?"

Finding the Best Technical Writing Fields of 2008

According to a 2008 article on
titled "Class of 2008 Steps Into Good Job Market," the top ten degrees in demand don't hint at what the best technical writing fields are. However if you review the list closely, you'll recognize an important advantage to English graduates who excel in creative writing.

Mastering the Art of Writing

The article lists the usual top "in demand" degrees, including
almost all technical, computer, business, and finance. No surprise there. But what these lists don't share is a unique new trend that should have creative writing enthusiasts smiling from ear-to-ear. And that is - most technically savvy individuals do not have a clue when it comes to writing. All of the things you've learned in the course of earning that English degree may seem useless when you're undertaking the daunting task of finding a job that actually pays. However, you can earn a substantial living if you've mastered the written word.

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